Custom Designed Buffer Tanks
Chilled and Hot Water, Insulated and Non Insulated Tanks
Buffer tanks are designed to ensure that sufficient water volume is available to maintain optimum temperature control in a closed loop chilled or hot water system. By adding the proper amount of system water, the source temperature can be reached quickly.
Australian Sun Energy buffer tanks are available for use in chilled and hot water water systems. The tanks have an inlet connection located at the top of the shell. The water entering the tank is diffused by the center baffle plate and the separated air is vented out the top of the tank. The heavier air-free water moves to the bottom of the tank and exits through the top outlet connection.
Our boiler buffer tanks are available for use in hot water systems. Due to water’s very high thermal capacity, thermal mass can store and even out fluctuations in temperature.
Factory installed insulation from (25mm to 120mm thicknesses) and a range of color-bond finishes are available upon request.

Buffer Tanks are available in mild steel and stainless Steel, insulated and uninsulated and vapour seal, tanks include removable inspection covers. Buffer tank standard range start from 250 to 5000 L, custom design buffer tanks can be supplied on request up to 40,000L. Buffer Tanks are designed for chilled water, HVAC and hot water systems with insufficient water volume capacity in relation to the chiller capacity.
Buffer Tanks are required for low water volume systems that require additional buffer capacity for the system to eliminate problems such as excessive chiller cycling, poor temperature control, and erratic system operation. Buffer Tanks properly sized adds the necessary volume to buffer the system.
Buffer Tanks for chilled & thermal water increase system capacity and stabilize return water temperature. Benefits include fewer cycles of the compressor and better temperature control. A hot water buffer tank improves system efficiency, adding extra thermal mass to the boiler water loop. It is sized by using the boilers performance capabilities with the desired firing time and maximum temperature drop. Buffer Tanks are necessary with today’s smaller high efficiency low mass boilers and also function as an air eliminator.
Delivery Australia wide
Standard Buffer tanks are mild steel, rated to 750 kPa
Manufactured to meet AS1210 requirments
Seismic Rating
Leg or Ring Base
Tanks also available in Stainless Steel
Supplied as bare tank, thermally insulated (with ripstop vinyl wrap) or Colorbond cladding
Nominate flange location and size
Range of sizes 200 – 25000 L (custom sizes up to 40,000 L available on request)

Custom Tank Design to Meet Your Project Specifications