AEROFLEX elastomeric thermal insulation is very effective in
reducing heat flow on hot water pipings, liquid heating and dual
temperature piping in hospitals, hotels, residential buildings,
industrial plants, etc. It’s also used on central liquid heating
system to heat private houses and public buildings.
For higher performance in heat resistance and outdoor
application, AEROFLEX-HT provides exceptional ozone,
ultraviolet and weather resistance, also used for solar-heating
and steam-heating applications with service temperature up
to +150 C (302 F).
No danger of fibrous material when installed in place where
hygiene is vital. Aeroflex is manufactured from synthetic polymers
which contain no asbestos or fibrous material. The is one of many
reasons why Aeroflex is widely selected as replacement for fibrous
material like fiberglass or rock wool used in hot water and low
pressured steam pipeline.
The closed cell structure and superior elastomeric properties
provide the following advantages:
- Service temperature up to +125 C (257 F) for Aeroflex
- Standard and up to +150 C (302 F) for Aeroflex-HT
- Outstanding ultraviolet and weather resistance when used outdoor
- Very stable thermal conductivity value throughout service life
- Very low water absorption
- No jacket is necessary even for outdoor piping, unless long
- term direct contact to sunlight jacketing or protective coating
- are recommended
- Flexibility for easy installation

Aeroflex HT Made for Solar Hot Water Systems

HT Insulatated Pipe and Uninsulated Connections